47 Characters, 47 Prefectures, 47 ‘One Piece’ Songs: Samples Released

Gepubliceerd op 17 januari 2015 om 00:00

We announced in November that there will be 47 different character CDs for sale starting January 28, 2015, according to the official One Piece website. We now have samples of each and every song, thanks to Avex.

Every one of the 47 “One Piece- Crossing Through Japan! 47 Cruises” CDs will be featuring one One Piece persona matched up with one of Japan’s 47 prefectures. Each CD will include two songs, including one instrumental version, made specifically for every prefecture and One Piece character combination. Each CD also includes a drawing made based on one of the prefecture’s famous places or places. You can check out the full list with a map at Avex’s website, and see the twelve-and-a-half minute sample of each character here:


Each CD will be priced at ¥1,000 and by buying eight CDs, buyers will be able to get the “Luffy Character CD” for free.

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